『?? DV ??? ?? 40.5mm? ? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ? 商品を販売』はヤフオクでから12月15日 04時 56分に出品され01月08日 04時 56分に終了予定です。即決価格は2,189円に設定されています。現在657件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。島根県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Description: Suitable for all types of lens with specified diameter. Apperance may be different, but does not affect function. This cap protects your camera lens from external factor such as dust particles, water splashes, sun rays, and also protects from scratches during storage. Easy to Use: Pinch the sides of the cap and snap it into place. This product is includes lens cap leash to prevent from losing the cap. Specification: Type : Front Cap Fastening : Snap-On Material: ABS Plastic Color: Black Package Includes: 3 Pieces Snap on Lens Cap Description: Suitable for all types of lens with specified diameter. Apperance may be different, but does not affect function. This cap protects your camera lens from external factor such as dust particles, water splashes, sun rays, and also protects from scratches during storage. Easy to Use: Pinch the sides of the cap and snap it into place. This product is includes lens cap leash to prevent from losing the cap. Specification: Type : Front Cap Fastening : Snap-On Material: ABS Plastic Color: Black Package Includes: 3 Pieces Snap on Lens Cap
Suitable for all types of lens with specified diameter. Apperance may be different, but does not affect function.
This cap protects your camera lens from external factor such as dust particles, water splashes, sun rays, and also protects from scratches during storage.
Easy to Use: Pinch the sides of the cap and snap it into place.
This product is includes lens cap leash to prevent from losing the cap.
Type : Front Cap
Fastening : Snap-On
Material: ABS Plastic
Color: Black
Package Includes:
3 Pieces Snap on Lens Cap
Suitable for all types of lens with specified diameter. Apperance may be different, but does not affect function.
This cap protects your camera lens from external factor such as dust particles, water splashes, sun rays, and also protects from scratches during storage.
Easy to Use: Pinch the sides of the cap and snap it into place.
This product is includes lens cap leash to prevent from losing the cap.
Type : Front Cap
Fastening : Snap-On
Material: ABS Plastic
Color: Black
Package Includes:
3 Pieces Snap on Lens Cap
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