【サイズ】:幅120*丈180cm 素材:100%ポリエステル 仕様:防水防カビ パッケージ内容:本体*1+カーテンリング*8 カラー:ダークグレー 無地
About the productSize: Width 47.2 inches (120 cm) x Length 70.9 inches (1Material: 100% PolyesterSpecifications: Waterproof and mildew resistantColor: Dark GrayPackage Includes: Main unit x 1 + Curtain rings x 12Lightweight Quick Dry Waterproof Mildew Resistant Bath Curtain Lightweight and quick drying, wrinkle resistant polyester material, made of 100% waterproof and mildew resistant polyester, keep it hygienic and clean, no smell, flexible and comfortable to the touch, make your bath time more comfortable. Great for concealment and privacy The silhouette is not see-through, and the image is obstructed to provide good privacy. In addition to high end hotels, it is recommended for unit baths, Japanese room bay windows, shops, work dressing rooms, and luxury beauty salons. Thermal Insulated Thermal Insulated Shower Curtain This bath curtain has good insulation properties that prevent warm air and moisture from escaping outside, and provides effective heat retention and peace of mind even in cold winters. Made of polyester The wrinkle-resistant fabric is supple and dense polyester fabric that feels cool on your skin like vinyl and doesnt stick to your skin and makes bath time fun. It will keep out the cold air without feeling discomfort as a curtain in your room. Solid color, calm color Simple polyester material with no pattern shearwork curtains are softer than vinyl. The solid color of high-quality fabric is simple and easy to coordinate with other items. Easy to install, easy to store, curtain rings included Rust-proof metal grommets along the reinforced tent top header, not easy to deform, durable and long lasting. To keep the shower curtain stable and shape, the weighted hem with chain weights keeps the curtain in place and fit well. Comes with 12 C-shaped plastic curtain rings Easy to install by simply hanging it on a curtain pole. This bath curtain is foldable, easy to store and save space. Can be cut to size You can cut the sides and bottom size freely to fit your space. Easy to clean, easy to clean Easy to clean, even if it gets dirty, it can be wiped clean with a towel to make cleaning a breeze. Wash, washable and machine washable.
¥ 2585
AooHome シャワーカーテン 防水 防カビ 120x150cm ユニットバス 浴室 ベージュ 高級 加重 加厚 チェック柄 目隠し バス用品 お風呂カーテン リング付き
¥ 2668
¥ 2168
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¥ 2409
Furlinic ワッフル織りシャワーカーテン バスカーテン
¥ 1993
interDesign プリント シャワーカーテン 布製
¥ 2247
AooHome シャワーカーテン 小窓 目隠し 防水 短め 防カビ ユニットバス 浴室窓 お風呂窓 45cm丈 カフェカーテン 間仕切り 無地 140cm幅 リング付き 洗濯可 取付簡単 ダークグレー
¥ 1689
DECONOVO シャワーカーテン 風呂カーテン 防水 軽量 速乾 目隠し 遮像 取り付け簡単 リンク付き ユニットバス 浴室 幅90CM*丈180CM ブラック
¥ 2079
AooHome お風呂 小窓カーテン 浴室窓カーテン 80cm丈 厚め 防水 防カビ リング付き 目隠し 断熱 遮熱 シャワーカーテン 小窓 速乾 間仕切り 高密度生地 ユニットバス 浴室 チェック柄 リング
¥ 2567
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¥ 1987
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¥ 2300
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